Table 2 Changes in cognitive function and metabolic risk factors. (age and education adjusted). Data are means (±SD).
Exercise (n=26) Control (n=12) P-value*
Baseline Post Baseline Post
CERAD-K Verbal Fluency 13.46 (3.56) 14.96 (3.50) 11.66 (3.98) 11.67 (3.39) .048
Boston naming test 11.61 (2.15) 12.27 (2.29) 10.25 (2.95) 10.75 (3.25) .262
MMSE-KC 26.42 (2.10) 27.62 (1.75) 25.66 (2.77) 26.00 (2.83) .214
Word list learning 18.50 (4.10) 20.25 (4.69) 15.50 (5.10) 17.00 (4.61) .095
Constructional praxis 9.38 (1.57) 10.38 (.94) 9.75 (1.05) 10.08 (1.24) .414
Word list recall 6.26 (1.90) 7.76 (1.83) 5.08 (1.78) 5.58 (2.57) .038
Word list recognition 9.19 (1.13) 9.62 (.75) 8.41 (1.62) 8.58 (1.88) .007
Constructional recall 6.73 (2.79) 7.50 (3.26) 5.08 (2.19) 5.33 (2.53) .189
Trail making A 144.34 (125.08) 71.61 (30.84) 120.40 (80.38) 94.51 (68.35) .798
Trail making B 239.54 (87.63) 218.03 (82.24) 266.16 (65.71) 252.67 (74.86) .372
Total score 68.42 (9.75) 75.25 (9.23) 60.66 (13.25) 63.66 (12.58) .037
BMI (kg·m-2) 25.71 (2.87) 25.55 (2.95) 25.90 (2.38) 25.15 (2.19) .156
WC (cm) 94.43 (6.22) 90.27 (6.13) 92.95 (5.05) 88.28 (2.01) .703
Triglyceride (mg·dl-1) 126.76 (54.41) 120.21 (45.68) 134.90 (50.0) 124.78 (40.54) .564
Glucose (mg·dl-1) 102.00 (10.86) 110.17 (13.89) 96.55 (6.71) 107.00 (6.00) .530
HDL cholesterol (mg·dl-1) 53.38 (14.20) 53.29 (14.19) 44.08 (7.57) 46.11 (7.74) .458
SBP (mmHg) 131.92 (11.73) 123.41 (10.83) 133.41 (7.68) 130.71 (8.61) .559
DBP (mmHg) 80.11 (6.95) 74.00 (8.04) 80.91 (5.83) 80.15 (6.93) .794
SGDS-K 3.88 (3.53) 3.39 (3.05) 5.16 (4.04) 5.00 (2.00) .341
Statistical significance was tested using repeated measures analysis of covariance.* values correspond to between-group comparisons for the change over time for each variable.BMI: body mass index; WC: waist circumference; TG: triglycerides; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; CERAD-K: Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s disease- Korean version; MMSE-KC: Mini-Mental State Examination-Korean version; SGDS-K: Short Geriatric Depression Scale-Korean version.