Table 2 Anthropometrics, body composition and blood lipid profiles pre- post exercise and supplement interventions. Values are means (± standard deviation).
Pre post pre Post Pre post Pre Post
Waist (cm) 104.9 (2.3) 105.0 (3.2) 108.3 (4.8) 105.0 (6.07)* 108.0 (5.3) 102.8 (3.6)* 107.0 (3.1) 105.7 (2.5)
WHR 1.05 (.04) 1.05 (.07) 1.06 (.03) 1.04 (.03)* 1.02 (.05) 1.0 (.05)* 1.08 (.04) 1.07 (.4)
Body composition
BMI (kg·m-2) 32.2 (2.3) 32.3 (2.4) 32.8 (2.1) 32.5 (2.0) 32.5 (2.3) 32.2 (2.8) 31.2 (.6) 30.7 (.7)
Body fat (%) 26.0 (2.9) 25.9 (2.8) 26.6 (3.5) 23.5 (3.3)* 27.7 (3.6) 22.7 (2.8)* 25.6 (2.20) 25.2 (3.1)
FFM (kg) 74.4 (8.7) 74.8 (9.3) 74.5 (8.4) 76.2 (6.6)* 71.4 (8.7) 74.8 (9.3)* 67.4 (3.6) 68.3 (3.3)
FM (kg) 26.2 (2.3) 25.2 (2.2) 27.3 (1.6) 25.1(2.6)* 27.5 (2.9) 23.4 (2.8)* 25.8 (2.1) 24.6 (2.3)
Lipid profile (mg·dl-1)
Tot Chol 192.5 (29.1) 193.2 (30.4) 181.1 (24.2) 159.1 (16.6)* 189.7 (41.4) 169.9 (33.1)* 186.0 (24.9) 175.1 (23.0)
LDL 116.9 (23.7) 118.8 (25.0) 104.2 (34.7) 90.8 (23.8) 112.5 (31.6) 98.8 (32.1) 108.6 (19.9) 100.4 (25.3)
HDL 42.2 (8.5) 42.5 (7.2) 45.0 (1.2) 48.0 (6.6) 43.2 (4.5) 47.6 (4.0) 46.6 (7.9) 47.8 (9.0)
TG 169.9 (38.1) 172.0 (35.1) 159.6 (63.9) 146.3 (72.7) 145.0 (23.0) 139.5 (3.2) 153.6 (54.5) 142.7 (28.4)
Gl (mg·dl-1) 87.3 (10.8) 88.7 (10.6) 86.6 (12.1) 85.7 (9.1) 86.4 (7.5) 85.0 (8.7) 92.8 (6.7) 91.2 (7.3)
Ins (μU·dl-1) 23.5 (3.5) 24.9 (3.6) 21.1 (9.5) 15.2 (10.9)* 22.7 (4.4) 15.7 (5.9)* 20.6 (6.8) 17.5 (3.2)
BMI: Body Mass Index, FFM: Fat Free Mass, FM: Fat Mass, Tot Chol: Total Cholesterol, TG: Trigliserid, Gl: Glukose, Ins: Insulin* Indicated significant difference from baseline ( p < 0.05).