Table 2. Summary of longitudinal studies examining changes in golf performance following strength training.
Study Sample
Sample profile Type of training Strength training program Duration Changes in strength Changes in golf performance
Doan et al. (2006) n = 10 (M); n = 6 (F); no CNT; RA? age 19.3 ± 1.5 yr; M: average HCP zero. F: HCP 5-10 RT, MB, flexibility FW, 3 workouts: 3 x 10-12 reps (wk 1-5); 3 x 7-8 reps (wk 6-11). MB 2 x 10 reps (wk 1-5) and 4 x 8 reps (wk 6-11) 11 wk; 3 d/wk Improvements in all exercises (relative strength +7-24%) +1.62% CHS (NS in M or F only groups)
Fletcher and Hartwell (2004) n = 11 (M)
(6 EXP, 5 CNT); RA
age 29 ± 7.4 yr; HCP 5.5 ± 3.7 RT, plyometrics, stretching FW: 3 x 6-8 reps. Plyometrics: 4 exercises, 3 x 6 reps 8 wk; 2 d/wk No results +1.5% CHS EXP; +4.3% DD EXP
Hetu et al. (1998) n = 17 (12 M, 5 F); no CNT; no RA age 52.4 ± 6.7 yr RT, plyometrics, flexibility FW and body-weight: 2 x 10-12 reps to 2 x 6-8 reps with heavier loads; MB: 2 x 15 reps 8 wk; 2 d/wk +6.2% Grip; +14.2% CP; +8.1% LE; +38.8% sit-reach; +47.3% TR +6.3% CHS
Landford (1976) n = 16 (M);
n = 5 (F); RA EXP; n = 16 (M); n = 5 (F) RA CNT
age 18 to 56 yr; HCP 0-27 EXP; HCP 0-21 CNT RT 8 exercises; 2 sets. 1, 6, 20 and 30 reps depending on the exercise 10 wk; 3 d/wk Gains for EXP in BP, RGS and LGS M: increase in DD in EXP. F: NS for EXP. DD correlated to BP, RGS, LGS
Lephart et al. (2007) n = 15 (M) age 47.2 ± 11.4yr; HCP 12.1 ± 6.4 RT, flexibility, balance Elastic resistance tubing: 3 x 10-15 reps bilateral 8 wk; 3-4 d/wk TR (+8.9% LT 60°/s; +7.5% RT 60°/s; +13.3% RT 120 °/s), isometric (+8.6% LH abd; +9.9% RH abd) +7.7% CD; +6.8% TD; +5.0% BS; +5.2% CHS
Lennon(1999) Study A: n = 14; CNT; RA Study B: n = 28 (M) A: age 16 ± 0.4yr; HCP ? B: ? A: RT and flexibility B: RT, flexibility, endurance, balance Unspecified A: 8 wk; 4 d/wk B: 1 yr; 4 d/wk A: grip strength, leg strength. NS changes CNT B: improvements, unspecified A: greater distance, unspecified B: Best-ever performance, unspecified
Pinter (1992) n = 25 (M); RA in 4 groups (n = 7 each plus n = 7 CNT) age 19 to 23 yr; HCP < 4 RT, flexibility, or combination of both A: RT group: FW: 3 x 10 rep (60% RM) to 3 x 4 rep (85% RM); B: Flexibility training; C: RT (same as A) + 6 flexibility exercises; D: CNT (no strength or flexibility training) 8 wk; 3 d/wk Not assessed NS changes pre-post
Reyes(2002) n = 19 (10 EXP, 9 CNT); no RA age 32 to 84 yr; HCP 17 ± 9 EXP; HCP 21 ± 8 CNT RT Isometric training; 12 exercises; heaviest load that can be held for 10 to 20 s in each exercise 7 wk Increase in mean strength NS correlation between increase in strength and DD
Seiler et al. (2006) n = 10 EXP; n = 10 CNT EXP: age 15 ± 2 yr; HCP 13. CNT: age 15.8 ± 2 yr; HCP 6 Core and RST (EXP), traditional RT (CNT) Unspecified 9 + 2 wk No results CHS: +3.8% EXP, +1.2% CNT
Thompson and Osness (2004) n = 31 (M); (19 EXP, 12 CNT); RA age 65.1 ± 6.2 yr; all HCP levels RT, flexibility Weight-training machines: 10 upper- and lower-body exercises: 1 x 12 reps (80% RM) 8 wk +60.4% BC; +35.6% CP; +38.3% SP; +36.9% SR; +41.1% LP; +38.5% LE CHS: +2.7% EXP
Thompson et al. (2007) n = 18 (M) (11 EXP, 7 CNT); RA age 70.7 ± 7.1yr RT, endurance, flexibility, balance, rotational power Stability ball training: 1 x 15reps (wk 1-2); 2 x 12-15 reps (wk 3-4); 3 x 12 reps (wk 5-6); 3 x 8reps (wk 7-8) 8 wk; 90 min/wk Improvements in chair stand test and step test CHS: +4.9%
Westcott et al. (1996) n = 17 (13 M, 4 F); n = 5 CNT; no RA age 57 yr RT, flexibility Weight-training machines: load that allowed 8 to 12 reps 8 wk; 3 d/wk +56% 10RM LE; NS for CNT CHS: +6% EXP
EXP: Experimental group; CNT: Control group; RA: Random Assignment; HCP: Handicap; DD: Driving Distance; CD: Carry Distance; CHS: Club Head Speed; TD: Total Distance; BS: Ball Speed; MB: Medicine Ball; TR: Trunk Rotation; LT: Left Torso; RT: Right Torso; LH: Left Hip strength; RH: Right Hip strength; BC: Biceps Curl; CP: Chest Press; SP: Shoulder Press; SR: Seated Row; LP: Leg Press; LE: Leg Extension; RST: Rotational Stability Training; RGS: Right Grip Strength; LGS: Left Grip Strength; FW: Free Weights; NS: Non-Significant (p > 0.05). Only significant improvements (p < 0.05) are reported.