Table 2. The characteristics of the participants. All values are presented as the mean (± SD).
VT CON Unpaired-t test
n = 10
F: 5, M: 5
n = 8
F: 5, M: 3
t df p
Age (years) 26.8 (4.5) 28.1 (6.2) .54 16 .60
Height (m) 1.65 (.10) 1.63 (.03) -.63 16 .54
Body mass (kg) 57.9 (9.7) 52.6 (5.1) -1.49 16 .18
BFLBM (kg) 42.5 (9.0) 39.3 (5.6) -1.08 16 .30
BFLBM, bone free lean body mass, CON, control group; VT, vibration training group; df, degrees of freedom.