Table 2. The multivariate logistic regression analysis of school performance for the è …3 classes per week and <3 classes per week groups in Korean adolescents.
School performance β S.E. OR 95% CI p
<3 PE classes (yes / no) Very good Ref.
Good .118 .041 1.125 1.038-1.220 .004**
Average .137 .042 1.147 1.058-1.245 <.001***
Poor .136 .042 1.146 1.055-1.244 .001**
Very poor .175 .049 1.191 1.082-1.311 <.001***
S.E, Standard Error; OR, Odd Ratio; CI, Confidence Interval; PE, Physical Education** p < 0.01*** p < 0.001 tested by multivariate logistic regression analysis after adjustments for covariate variables such as gender, age, BMI, parents’ education level, family’s economic status, vigorous and moderate PA, and muscle strengthening exercises