Table 2. Push pass accuracy, speed and movement form means and standard deviations across four time periods for all treatment groups.
Push Pass Pre-Test Acquisition 1 Acquisition 2 Retention
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
Blocked 4.91 (1.22) 5.81 (1.25) 5.18 (1.72) 5.91 (1.70)
Serial 5.42 (1.56) 4.83 (1.59 5.67 (2.15) 5.58 (.90)
Randomized- blocks 4.55 (1.51) 5.09 (1.97) 5.55 (1.92) 5.82 (1.89)
Block-random 5.00 (2.00) 5.45 (2.16) 5.09 (1.38) 5.64 (1.57)
Random 5.30 (2.31) 6.30 (1.57) 5.60 (1.90) 5.50 (2.01)
Speed (km/h)
Blocked 24.55 (5.40) 31.80 (7.44) 31.67 (6.25) 29.93 (4.85)
Serial 25.50 (3.91) 25.80 (5.63) 28.33 (6.23) 26.00 (5.73)
Randomized- blocks 27.20 (8.15) 27.47 (10.46) 29.05 (7.75) 27.87 (8.02)
Block-random 24.43 (8.12) 25.31 (4.43) 26.05 (6.49) 25.89 (6.11)
Random 25.75 (4.14) 26.90 (5.34) 27.84 (5.60) 25.88 (3.95)
Movement form
Blocked 5.45 (1.15) 5.50 (.55) 5.34 (.69) 5.82 (.64)
Serial 4.33 (1.05) 4.25 (1.41) 4.67 (1.05) 4.88 (.96)
Randomized-blocks 4.59 (1.43) 5.05 (.99) 5.55 (.47) 5.36 (.95)
Block-random 4.55 (1.25) 5.36 (.45) 5.14 (.71) 5.18 (.72)
Random 4.70 (1.69) 5.80 (.71) 5.20 (.54) 5.25 (.82)