Table 2 Definition of the local coordinate systems of the thorax, scapula and humerus, according to Wu et al. (2005).
THORAX (Right anterolateral view)

Yt:The line connecting the midpoint between XP and T8 and the midpoint between SN and C7 pointing upward

Zt:The line perpendicular to the plane formed by SN, C7 and the midpoint between XP and T8 pointing to the right

Xt:The common line perpendicular to Zt and Yt-axis pointing forward

The origin coincident with SN
RIGHT SCAPULA (Posterior view)

Ys:The common line perpendicular to Xs and Zs-axis pointing upward

Zs:The line connecting RS and AA pointing to AA

Xs:The line perpendicular to the plane formed by IA, AA and RS, pointing forward

The origin coincident with AA
RIGHT HUMERUS (Anterior view)

Yh:The line connecting GE and the midpoint of LE and ME, pointing to GH

Zh:The common line perpendicular to the Yh and Zh-axis pointing to the right

Xh:The line perpendicular to the plane formed by LE, ME and GH pointing forward

The origin coincident with GH