Table 2 Physical parameters at the end of the low and moderate exercise tests. The data are expressed as the means (± SD).
Low exercise Moderate exercise
Sedentary Active Sedentary Active
VO2 (ml·kg-1·min-1) 10.8 (2.6)* 14.7 (2.4)* 20.0 (4.4) 22.9 (2.7)
%VO2 (%) 30.8 (5.6)* 35.2 (8.0)* 58.4 (8.9) 54.8 (5.1)
Heart rate (bpm) 99 (12)* 100 (13)* 141 (16) 130 (14)
Workload (W) 39 (11)* 66 (8)* 77(16) 107 (12)
Significantly different from the moderate exercise (p < 0.05).