Table 2 Effects of respiratory muscle endurance training (RMET) on the respiratory endurance test parameters for the swimmers. Data are mean s (± standard deviation).
Before RMET After RMET
RMET group Control group RMET group Control group
Breathing duration (min) 16.0 (1.7) 14.1 (3.2) 24.6 (4.4)*†  17.0 (1.8)
VEmax (L·min-1) 111.6 (25.1) 104.7 (9.9) 124.1 (24.8) *†  109.1(7.6) *
VTmax(L·min-1) 3.7 (.5) 3.8 (.1) 3.6 (.7) 3.9 (.3)
fRmax (cycle·min-1) 29.6 (4.3) 27.0 (2.5) 34.2 (3.7) *†  28.1 (3.4)
∆La (mmol·L-1) -.2 (.8) -.7 (.7) -.5 (.4) -.7 (.8)
denotes p < 0.05 between before and after RMET. denotes p < 0.05 between the RMET group and controls.V: maximal minute ventilation during the respiratory endurance test; V: maximal tidal volume during the respiratory endurance test; f: maximal breathing frequency during the respiratory endurance test; DLa: delta lactate concentration (i.e., lactate concentration measured 3 min after the end of trials minus lactate concentration at rest).