Table 2. Reliability data for reaction time trials on Dynavision™ D2.
Test FAM Sessions
ICC Between
P-Value ICC2,1 SEM %SEM MD %MD
CRT Visual (s) 1 2 – 3 1.00 .835 .033 s 9.50 .066 s 18.67
Motor (s) 1 2 – 3 1.00 .632 .035 s 16.96 .068 s 33.02
Mode A Mode A Hits 3 4 – 5 1.00 .747 5.44 5.99 10.75 11.85
Mode A Avg. RT (s) 3 4 – 5 1.00 .675 .043 s 6.48 .085 s 12.79
Mode B Mode B Hits 3 4 – 5 1.00 .734 8.57 10.94 16.89 21.58
Mode B Avg. RT (s) 3 4 – 5 1.00 .717 0.03 4.53 .056 s 8.92
CRT = Choice Reaction Time; RT = Reaction Time; (s) = seconds; FAM = Familiarization; ICC = Intraclass Correlation Coefficient; SEM = Standard Error of Measurement; %SEM = Standard Error of Measurement as a percent of the Grand Mean; MD = Minimal Difference; %MD = Minimal Difference as a Percentage of the Grand Mean.