Table 2. Sample characteristics and PEAS score distribution statistics and reliability estimates
Sample n Gender
M (±SD)
PEAS Raw Data Horn’s PA
M (±SD)
K-S Test Cronbach
SEM Velicer’s
L1 L2 L1
SSUS Granada 2013 pre test-retest 519 406/99 21.5 (2.6) Pen&Pap 33.5 (8.3) .076 *** .73 4.323 1 2.63 1.04 1.32
SSUS Granada 2013 post test-retest 519 406/99 21.5 (2.6) Pen&Pap 32.6 (9.2) .081 *** .80 4.112 1 3.62 .94 1.33
Sport Sciences Students Granada 2009 273 222/51 22.2 (3.4) ElVer 33.4 (9.1) .073 *** .76 4.406 1 2.96 .93 1.45
Elite Female Cycling 80 0/80 28.9 (9.6) Pen&Pap 35.0 (13.5) .163 *** .85 5.236 1 5.56 1.58 1.90
Elite Female Triathletes 126 0/126 30.1 (8.1) Pen&Pap 31.0 (11.0) .148 *** .78 5.197 1 3.31 1.17 1.45
Spanish Cycling National Team Elite 74 53/21 18.4 (3.0) Pen&Pap 34.8 (9.0) .094 .71 4.872 1 2.98 1.40 1.94
Football Coaches Sport Sciences Students 167 129/38 23.4 (5.5) ElVer 33.2 (10.3) .124 *** .82 4.386 1 4.21 1.07 1.60
High Level Cycling Coaches 113 109/4 33.7 (7.2) Pen&Pap 38.8 (10.6) .109 ** .75 5.267 1 3.47 1.13 1.74
Elite Female Footballers 35 0/35 24.8 (6.3) Pen&Pap 28.8 (10.1) .127 .82 4.282 1 5.27 1.73 2.46
Elite Footballers 263 263/0 25.9 (4.4) Pen&Pap 29.4 (8.5) .075 ** .73 4.457 1 2.62 .91 1.47
Professional Footballers 286 286/0 24.0 (5.5) Pen&Pap 32.8 (9.7) .063 * .78 4.546 1 3.58 .97 1.44
Amateur Footballers 294 294/0 24.3 (4.8) Pen&Pap 34.4 (8.9) .058 * .72 4.674 1 2.72 .85 1.44
Elite U18-U16 Footballers 282 282/0 16.8 (1.3) Pen&Pap 34.4 (10.5) .104 *** .80 4.665 1 3.79 1.10 1.45
Football Coaches From 1st Division-U16 98 98/0 37.0 (9.1) Pen&Pap 31.0 (9.7) .114 ** .76 4.742 1 3.54 1.32 1.80
SSUS Granada 2013 Postest 625 501/123 21.6 (2.9) Pen&Pap 32.8 (9.5) .081 *** .81 4.158 1 3.87 1.08 1.21
SSUS Granada 2013 Pretest 705 563/142 21.6 (2.8) Pen&Pap 34.3 (8.6) .076 *** .73 4.484 1 2.61 .98 1.29
Ciclotourists QH Challenge 2011 2022 1977/45 41.0 (9.4) ElVer 39.9 (11.9) .059 *** .78 5.586 1 3.14 1.01 1.16
Ciclotourists QH Challenge 2012 382 372/10 41.3 (8.8) ElVer 38.0 (12.4) .095 *** .81 5.383 1 3.79 .99 1.33
Environment OF Footballer (Physiother, Doctor…) From 1st Div to-U16 65 63/2 34.1 (8.1) Pen&Pap 30.9 (10.9) .113 .84 4.376 1 5.21 1.68 2.02
** p < 0.01,*** p < 0.001.* p < 0.05,SSUS: Sport Sciences University Students. K-S normality=Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Z (P) *=non-normality; Velicer’s dim=Factor dimensions obtained by the method of Velicer; L1=maximum eigenvalue of the correlation matrix; L2=second eigenvalue of the correlation matrix; LH=maximum eigenvalue by Horn’s parallel analysis. Pen&Pap: pencil and paper, ElVer: electronic version.