Table 2. Power, performance and metabolic variables (mean ± SEM) for the Cadet group and the Elite group during the initial acceleration phase using the non-circular (Q-ring) and circular chainrings.
Elite group, n = 8 Cadet group, n = 8
Q-ring Circular Q vs Circular Q-ring Circular Q vs Circular
M (SEM) %CV M (SEM) %CV %Dif D M (SEM) %CV M (SEM) %CV %Dif D
Power Variables
PP (W) 1706 (54) 3.00 1757 (77) 3.00 -2.90 .06 1272 (65) 5.00 1408 (53) # 4.00 -9.66 -.25
MP (W) 455 (29) 6.00 524 (40) 6.00 -13.17 -.10 295 (28) 9.00 347 (25) 7.00 -14.99 -.04
TPP (s) 1.53 (.04) 2.00 1.49 (.06) 2.00 2.68 .07 1.50 (.05) 3.00 1.48 (.05) 3.00 1.35 -.06
PP / TPP (W s-1) 1157 (54) 5.00 1294 (86) 5.00 -10.58 -.06 854 (58) 7.00 954 (68) 7.00 -10.52 -.12
Performance Variables
TD (m) 23.42 (.07) * .20 23.16 (.09) .40 1.12 .23 21.61 (.27) 1.00 21.57 (.24) 1.00 .19 -.02
MP / TD (W m-1) 19.36 (1.23) 6.00 22.63 (1.73) 8.00 -14.45 -.13 13.44 (1.20) 9.00 16.1 (1.15) 7.00 -16.52 -.22
Metabolic Variables
BLa (mMol) 3.79 (.24) 6.00 4.22 (.32) 8.00 -10.19 -.14 3.68 (.31) 8.00 3.51 (.36) 10.00 4.84 .11
Lactate increase (%) 40.5 (10.6) 26.00 44.6 (9.2) 20.00 -9.36 -.15 46.8 (7.4) 16.00 40.8 (7.5) 18.00 14.87 .15
Max HR (beats·min-1) 157 (1) 1.00 158 (1) 1.00 -.63 -.10 160 (2) 1.00 158 (2) 1.00 1.27 -.04
PP: Peak power. MP: Mean power. TPP: Time to peak power. TD: Total distance. Max HR: Maximum heart rate. M (SEM): Mean (±Standard Error Mean). (D) Cliff’s Delta effect size; low (.20), moderate (.30) and large (.50). % Dif Percentage difference of the average value between Q-ring and Circular respect to Circular chainring. % CV Coefficient of variation.‡ Efficiency index*Significant difference between Q-ring and Circular chainrings for Q-ring (p < 0.05)# Significant difference between Q-ring and Circular chainrings for Circular (p < 0.05)