Table 2. Concurrent validity (TWAS VS. TFDMS). Average values of AV, PV, AP and PP.
Systematic bias Proportional bias Random error Bias CI (95%) ICC ¥
BS AV, m·s-1 .02 # .05 # ± .07 .01 to .03 .985
BP AV, m·s-1 .01 # .05 # ± .06 .01 to .02 .989
BS PV, m·s-1 -.08 # .004 ± .13 -.09 to -.06 .963
BP PV, m·s-1 -.06 # .04 * ± .10 -.07 to -.05 .984
BS AP, W .8 .12 § ± 44.31 -4.79 to 6.39 .966
BP AP, W 5.29 .08 # ± 38.48 .52 to10.07 .968
BS PP, W -209.99 # .47 § ± 153.92 -229.21 to -190.78 .853
BP PP, W -105.13 # .45 § ± 109.76 -118.72 to -91.54 .905
TWAS= Tendo Weight-lifting Analyzer System; TFDMS= T-Force Dynamic Measurement System; BS= Back Squat; BP= Bench Press; AV= Average Velocity; PV= Peak Velocity; AP= Average Power; PP= Peak Power; m/s= meter/second; W= watts; CI= Confidence interval; ICC= intraclass correlation coefficient* Significant r–values p < 0.05# Significant difference between the system means p< 0.01§ Significant r–values p< 0.0001;¥ Dimensionless statistical parameter.