Table 2. Sample sizes (number of replicates) for each brand of analyser used to estimate variance components.
Lactate concentration band (mM) Total
0-1.9 2.0-4.9 5.0-9.9 10.0-14.9 15+
Edge 40 36 66 36 71 249
i-STAT 5 7 16 6 4 38
Lactate Pro 40 36 63 36 70 245
Lactate Pro2 40 36 63 36 70 245
Radiometer ABL90 23 21 38 21 41 144
Radiometer 715 14 12 14 40
Scout+ 30 12 47 36 62 187
Xpress 40 36 63 33 70 242
Total 195 177 330 183 361 1384