Table 2. Results of moderator analyses for criterion-related validity correlation coefficients across the 20-m shuttle run test protocols potentially affected by moderator effects† 
Moderator Effect K N rc rp 95% CIa 95% CVb % variancec Q statistic
Between-study analyses
Sex of participants
Légerd Men 24 782 .80 .88 .81-.94 0.59-1.00 18.35 124.53*
Women 13 475 .74 .81 .70-.92 0.50-1.00 21.56 55.14*
Eurofite Men 6 125 .61 .68 .49-.87 0.41-0.95 57.29 5.44
Women 4 98 .67 .75 .53-.97 0.38-1.00 32.74 10.00*
Age of participants
Légerd Children 28 1,335 .72 .78 .72-0.85 0.50-1.00 22.30 113.74*
Adults 20 887 .86 .94 .87-1.00 0.72-1.00 12.72 160.02*
Eurofite Children 7 143 .61 .68 .52-.84 0.50-0.86 76.18 2.66
Adults 4 135 .71 .79 .56-1.00 0.43-1.00 24.49 15.00*
Level of VO2max
Légerd Low 22 1,181 .75 .82 .74-.89 0.49-1.00 13.27 167.60*
High 23 895 .80 .88 .80-.95 0.62-1.00 18.84 115.48*
Eurofite Low 5 108 .69 .77 .59-.94 0.41-1.00 36.29 10.68*
High 6 170 .64 .71 .52-.91 0.45-0.98 48.32 7.81
Within-study analysis
Number of predictorsf
Légerd One 8 742 .70 .77 .68-.86 0.51-1.00 15.56 50.61*
Few 8 742 .80 .88 .80-.95 0.67-1.00 12.60 64.68*
* p < 0.05f Performance only score (“one”) or performance score plus other (“few”). † Because some studies mixed categories or some values were missing, the overall n for some categories is lower for some 20-m shuttle run tests.eEurofit protocol starts at 8.0 km/h and increases 0.5 km/h each minute, but the second stage increases by 1.0 km/h (Council of Europe Committee for the Development of Sport, 1988)dLéger’s protocol starts at 8.5 km/h and increases 0.5 km/h each minute (Léger et al., 1984, 1988)a95% confidence intervalb95% credibility intervalcPercentage of variance accounted for by statistical artefacts including sampling error and measurement error of the 20-m shuttle run testNote. K, number of rs; N, total sample size; rc, overall weighted mean of r corrected for sampling error only; rp, overall weighted mean of r corrected for sampling error and measurement error of the 20-m shuttle run test; VO2max, maximal oxygen uptake