Table 2. Prevalence (in %; 95% CI) of symptoms related to common mental disorders among professional footballers in five European countries.
Finland France Norway Spain Sweden
Distress†  15.6 (9.6-24.35) 15.8 (9.1-25.8) 12.4 (7.3-20.2) 11.4 (5.7-21.2) 18.2 (12.6-25.6)
Anxiety/depression†  40.0 (30.0-51.0) 37.5 (27.2-49.1) 43.3 (33.6-53.6) 25.0 (16.2-36.5) 37.9 (29.8-46.7)
Sleeping disturbance†  18.8 (12.1-27.8) 27.6 (18.8-38.6) 23.8 (16.6-32.8) 32.9 (23.0-44.5) 21.2 (15.1-28.8)
Adverse alcohol behavior 17.0 (10.5-26.4) 9.2 (4.5-19.0) 6.9 (3.2-13.9) 15.7 (8.8-26.2) 6.0 (2.9-11.67)
Adverse nutrition behavior 58.6 (48.1-68.4) 47.4 (38.8-61.3) 74.3 (64.9-81.8) 52.9 (41.3-64.1) 54.9 (46.4-63.1)
‡, point prevalenceCI, confidence of interval† , 1-month prevalence