Table 2. Exercise intensity during water-polo plays performed in front of defense court for defenders (Def) and offenders (Off) playing press (P), static-zone (SZ) and zone-press (ZP).The intensity is expressed by heart rate (HR), the percentage time spent below 85% of HR peak and lactate values. Data are means (±SD).
P 95%CL SZ 95% CL ZP 95% CL
Mean HR (beats·min-1) (Def) 155 (12) 147, 163 141 (13) 132, 151 147 (19) 135, 160
Mean HR (beats·min-1) (Off) 150 (7) 143, 158 138 (10) 129, 147 138 (11) 125, 151
Percentage time ≤ 85% HRpeak -Def (%) 45.1 (19.1) 25.6, 64.7 79.7 (21.5) 62.2, 97.1 68.0 (36.5) 41.4, 94.6
Percentage time ≤ 85% HRpeak -Off (%) 47.4 (27.6) 27.9, 66.9 83.9 (20.9) 66.5, 101.4 83.5 (27.4) 56.9, 110.1
Lactate (mmol.l-1) (Def) 6.5 (2.6) 4.7, 8.4 4.5 (2.0) 2.9, 6.1 4.7 (1.1) 3.6, 5.9
Lactate (mmol.l-1) (Off) 6.4 (3.2) 4.6, 8.2 4.9 (3.0) 3.3, 6.5 4.5 (2.3) 3.3, 5.6
CL: 95% confidence limits