Table 2. Operational definitions of final phase characteristics and corresponding descriptors.
Final phase characteristics
Operational Variable Descriptions
Position of line-breaker: Position of ball-carrier who breached the line
Position of inside defender: Position of the opposing player, on the side of the line-breaker closest to the starting position of the phase, as he breaches the defensive line
Outside Defender: Position of the opposing player, on the side of the line-breaker furthest from the starting position of the phase, as he breaches the defensive line
Tight Forwards Prop, Hooker, Lock
Loose Forwards Flank, Eighthman
Inside backs Scrumhalf, Flyhalf, Inside Centre
Outside backs Outside Centre, Winger, Fullback
Touchline Vertical outline on each side of field
Attacking line shape: The formation of the attacking team at the start of the phase preceding the line break (Wheeler et al. 2010)
Flat Attacking players were positioned in a horizontal line
Deep Attacking players were positioned in a diagonal line
Wide Attacking line is spread across the width of the field
Narrow Attacking line is bunched, close to the break-down
Defensive speed: Speed of the defence in response to the attacking line, when the first ball-carrier in the final phase receives possession of the ball (Hendricks et al. 2013)
Slow Stationary or walking (No locomotor movement). Slow forwards, backwards or sideward movement. One foot in contact with ground at all times and no arm drive
Moderate Jogging or a slow run with low knee lifts and little arm drive
Fast Running with high knees and rapid arm movement or sprinting at ball reception
Defensive distance: Distance of defence in relation to the attacker who receives the ball from the breakdown/set-piece/kick (Wheeler et al. 2010; Hendricks et al. 2013)
Close Attacker receives ball within one body length of defence
Moderate Attacker receives ball one to two body lengths from defence
Distant Attacker receives ball more than two body length from defence
Attacker vs. Defender ratio: The ratio of the number of players in the attacking line compared to the defence line at the start of the phase (Hendricks et al. 2013)
Man on man Same number of defenders and attackers
One man overlap One more attacker in the attacking line compared to the defensive line
Two man overlap Two more attackers in the attacking line
compared to the defensive line
Multiple overlap More than two attackers in the attacking
line compared to the defensive line
One man underlap One more defender in the attacking line compared to the defending line
Two man underlap Two more attackers in the attacking line compared to the defending line
Multiple underlap More than two attackers in the attacking line compared to the defending line
Defensive shape and movement: Configuration and movement pattern of defenders (Hendricks et al. 2013)
Up and In Defenders approach the attacking line in a straight line formation followed by the outer players (players furthest away from the ball) advancing ahead of the line towards the ball
Up and Out
Defenders approach the attacking line in a straight line formation followed by inner players (players closest to the ball) following the movement of the ball towards the touch line
Push/Rush The defenders approach the attacking line at a fast speed and are in a straight and direct line
Lateral Shift Initial movement of the defenders is towards the touch line without challenging attacking line/attacker
Advancing Runner: One defender shoots rapidly from the defensive line ahead of the other defenders towards attacking line/attacker
Straight Line Defenders are in a straight line while approaching the attacking line
Static Line Defenders are in a straight line with no movement toward the attacking line/attacker
Arrow Head Defenders approach the attacking line in a triangle shape formation, i.e., one defender is followed by other defenders besides and behind him on each side