Table 2. Anatomical landmarks for marker placement according to the 39-marker Vicon® full-body Plug-In Gait (UPA and FRM) Model.
Segment Marker Name Anatomical Location
Head left front head (LFHD) left temple
right front head (RFHD) right temple
left back head (LBHD) left back of head
right back head (RBHD) right back of head
LBHD and RBHD should lie on the head’s transversal plane together with the frontal markers.
Torso 7th cervical vertebra (C7) spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra
10th thoracic vertebra (T10) spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra
clavicle (CLAV) jugular notch where clavicles meet the sternum
sternum (STRN) xyphoid process of the sternum
right back (RBAK) anywhere on the right scapula
Upper Limbs left/right shoulder (LSHO/RSHO) acromio-clavicular joint of the left/right shoulder
left upper arm (LUPA) upper lateral 1/3 surface of left upper arm (asymetrical to RUPA)
right upper arm (RUPA) lower lateral 1/3 surface of right upper arm (asymetrical to LUPA)
left/right elbow (LELB/RELB) lateral epicondyle of the left/right arm
left forearm (LFRM) lower lateral 1/3 surface of left forearm (asymetrical to RFRM)
right forearm (RFRM) upper lateral 1/3 surface of right forearm (asymetrical to LFRM)
left/right wrist marker A (LWRA/RWRA) thumb side of a bar attached symmetrically with a wristband on the posterior of the left/right wrist as close to the wrist joint centre as possible
Pelvis left/right wrist marker B (LWRB/RWRB) little finger side of a bar attached symmetrically with a wristband on the posterior of the left/right wrist as close to the wrist joint centre as possible
left/right finger (LFIN/RFIN) proximal to the middle knuckle on the left/right hand
left/right anterior spina iliaca (LASI/RASI) left/right anterior superior iliac spine
left/right posterior spina iliaca (LASI/RASI) left/right posterior superior iliac spine (below the sacro-iliac joints, where spine joins the pelvis)
Lower Limbs left thigh (LTHI) lower lateral 1/3 surface of the left thigh in line with the hip and knee joint centres
right thigh (RTHI) upper lateral 1/3 surface of the right thigh in line with the hip and knee joint centres
left/right knee (LKNE/RKNE) lateral on the flexion-extension axis of the left/right knee
left tibia (LTIB) lower lateral 1/3 surface of the left shank
right tibia (RTIB) lower lateral 1/3 surface of the right shank
left/right ankle (LANK/RANK) lateral malleolus of the left/right leg
left/right toe (LTOE/RTOE) second metatarsal head, midfoot-side of the equinus break between forefoot and midfoot
left/right heel (LHEE/RHEE) calcaneus at the same height above the plantar surface of the foot as the toe marker