Table 2. Leadership Preferences based on Athlete’s and Coach’s Genders. Data are means (standard deviations).
Athlete Coach n TI Demo Auto SS PF
Boy Male 45 4.34 (1.11) 3.78 (.96) 3.61 (.91) 3.77 (.89) 3.91 (1.07)
Female 31 4.61 (.87) 4.19 (.81) 3.72 (.92) 4.13 (.83) 4.24 (.78)
Girl Male 42 4.59 (.95) 4.09 (.84) 3.80 (.90) 4.06 (.81) 4.08 (1.02)
Female 48 4.38 (1.11) 3.77 (.84) 3.31 (.73) 3.66 (.74) 4.09 (1.02)
Sig. .138 .009* .029* .004* .307
TI = training and instruction; Demo = Democratic behavior; Auto = Autocratic behavior; SS = Social support; PF = Positive feedback. 1 = never; 2 = seldom; 3 = occasionally; 4 = often; 5 = always.* p < 0.05.