Table 2. Regression coefficients, correlation coefficients, squared multiple correlations, and model fit indices for the path model.
Gender Task Ego Com Aut Rel IM Enj Know Perf MVPA
Regression coefficients
Task → ♀ .45(.04)*** .58(.04)*** .47(.04)*** .49(.05)*** .33(.05)*** 13(.06)* .07(.07) .06(.08)
♂ .35(.05)*** .59(.04)*** .50(.04)*** .26(.06)*** .45(.06)*** -.01(.05) .36(.08)*** .17(.08)*
Ego → ♀ -.09(.05) -.04(.04) -.09(.05) .15(.04)*** -.02(.04) .14(.04)** .08(.04) -.02(.05)
♂ -.12(.06)* .00(.05) -.11(.05)* .01(.05) .08(.03)* .08(.04)* .11(.05)* -.02(.05)
Com → ♀ .23(.05)*** .18(.05)*** .33(.05)*** .40(.05)*** .19(.07)***
♂ .22(.06)** .14(.05)** .28(.06)*** .37(.05)*** .10(.07)
Aut → ♀ .08(.07) .17(.06)** .03(.07) .10(.07) .15(.08)
♂ .36(.08)*** .13(.05)* .13(.06)* -.04(.07) .03(.07)
Rel → ♀ -.04(.06) .08(.05) -.06(.06) .02(.06) -.17(.08)*
♂ -.08(.07) .11(.05)* -.04(.07) -.08(.07) -.11(.07)
IM → ♀ .21(.05)*** .32(.07)*** .15(.06)* .06(.07)
♂ .19(.04)*** .53(.06)*** .02(.07) .17(.07)*
Enj → ♀ -.03(.08)
♂ -.18(.09)
Know → ♀ -.03(.06)
♂ .19(.07)*
Perf → ♀ .16(06)**
♂ .29(.06)***
BMI → ♀ -.04(.05) -.00(.05) -.13(.05)** -.03(.04) -.16(.05)** .01(.04) .06(.04) -.03(.05) -.08(.04) .04(.05)
♂ -.06(.06) .01(.05) -.05(.04) .02(.04) .02(.04) .04(.05) .04(.03) -.01(.04) -.03(.04) .01(.04)
Correlation coefficients
Com ↔ ♀ .34(.05)*** .38(.04)***
♂ .38(.04)*** .55(.04)***
Aut ↔ ♀ .62(.04)***
♂ .54(.05)***
Enj ↔ ♀ .27(.06)*** .24(.05)***
♂ .24(.05)*** .16(.07)*
Know ↔ ♀ .21(.05)***
♂ .17(.06)**
Squared multiple correlations
R2 ♀ .23(.04)*** .34(.04)*** .26(.04)*** .45(.04)*** .58(.03)*** .42(.04)*** .39(.04)*** .13(.03)***
♂ .14(.04)*** .35(.05)*** .27(.05)*** .46(.05)*** .67(.03)*** .59(.04)*** .30(.05)*** .29(.04)***
Model fit
χ2 (2) = 4.630, p = .099, CFI = 1.00, TLI = .95, RMSEA = .058, SRMR = .019
*** p < 0.001** p < 0.01* p < 0.05. Standard errors in parentheses.Task = task-involving climate, Ego = ego-involving climate, Com = competence, Aut = autonomy, Rel = relatedness, IM = intrinsic motivation, Enj = enjoyment, Know = knowledge, Perf = performance (graded assessments), BMI = body mass index, MVPA = moderate to vigorous physical activity.