Table 2. Distances covered during match-play by position (mean ± 90% CI) relative to playing time.
Middle LinkM LinkF Wing
Absolute total distance (m) 1395 (1340-1451) 1328 (1241-1416)* 1203 (1145-1262)a†  1185 (1059-1311)a† 
Distance during playing time (m) 739 (711-767) 548 (485-611)* 595 (566-625)*†  884 (753-1015)abc
<3.33 m·s-1 (m) 460 (441-479) 378 (329-426)* 487 (459-514)*†  758 (641-875)*† 
3.33-3.89 m·s-1 (m) 107 (101-113) 63 (53-72)* 56 (49-64)*†  60 (48-72)*† 
3.89-5.00 m·s-1 (m) 118 (110-126) 78 (66-89)a 43 (36-49)*†  47 (38-57)*† 
5.00-5.56 m·s-1 (m) 24 (21-27) 17 (13-22)a 5 (2-8)b* 9 (5-12)c*
5.56-6.67 m·s-1 (m) 19 (17-22) 10 (6-14)a 3 (0-7)b* 5 (2-8)c*
>6.67 m·s-1 (m) 6 (4-8) 0 (0-0)a 0 (0-0)*†  2 (0-4)abc
Relative playing time based on playing time in Table 1. Absolute total distance not expressed relative to playing time. Kruskal-Wallis test was used 5.00-5.56 m·s-1, 5.56-6.67 m·s-1 and >6.67 m·s-1.atrivial ES to middlebtrivial ES to link [male]ctrivial ES to link [female]*unclear ES to middle† unclear ES to linkM‡unclear ES to linkF.