Table 2. Pearson correlation coefficients between changes (Δ scores) in bone mineral values over the 3-year period with baseline body composition and jumping performance variables.
Variable Rhythmic gymnasts (n = 25) Untrained controls (n = 25)
ΔWB BMD (g·cm-2) ΔFN BMD (g·cm-2) ΔWB BMD (g·cm-2) ΔFN BMD (g·cm-2)
Age (yrs) .28 -.04 .32 .16
Bone age (yrs) .19 .06 .62 * .35
BMI (kg/m2) .13 .17 .58 * .30
Fat mass (kg) .07 .11 .73 * .47 *
Fat free mass (kg) .48 * .45 * .61 * .36
CMJ (cm) .11 .07 .22 .27
RJ15s (cm) .29 ..48* .33 .21
* Statistically significant; p < 0.05.WB, whole body; BMD, bone mineral density; FN, femoral neck; CMJ, countermovement jump; RJ15s, the rebound jumps for 15 seconds.