Table 2. Muscle force of the three groups for the different testing moments. Expressed as median and interquartile range (25-75%). Δ% 0-12 weeks presented as mean and confidence interval of 95%.
Muscle force (N) Baseline 6 Weeks 12 Weeks Δ%0-12 Weeks p-value Moments p-value Groups
Elbow flexion ETG 77 (64-111) 109 (76-147)* 119 (76-152)* +34 (17-50)†  <.0001 .089
CTG 83 (68-130) 121 (71-145) 123 [80-152) +30 (7-52)†  .348
CG 68 (48-117) 56 (48-87) 59 [53-78) -6 (-25-12) .151
Shoulder abduction ETG 48 (38-73) 69 (48-101) 71 (50-93)* +16 (7-25) .023 .143
CTG 62 (36-81) 75 (41-94) 75(47-94)* +31 (5-56)†  .004
CG 47 (30-74) 35 (33-60) 43 (36-55)* -4 (-27-18) .192
Shoulder flexion ETG 53 (37-83) 70 (44-92) 68 (42-88)* +36 (12-60)†  .001 .145
CTG 58 (34-83) 66 (54-86)* 66 (51-92) +26 (-1,8-53) .004
CG 45 (37-75) 38 (32-52) 42 (38-66) -5 (-25-15) .197
Knee flexion ETG 110 (63-136) 141 (107-175)* 131 (108-175)* +44 (15-73)†  <.0001 .777
CTG 100 (71-122) 104 (88-141) 125 (101-155)* +36 (12-58) .002
CG 92 (66-121) 97 (67-120) 99 (66-131) -7 (-35-22) .315
Knee extension ETG 214 (175-291) 287 (226-343)*†  259 (233-398)*†  +35 (8-61) .003 .024
CTG 203 (156-251) 246 (209-309)*†  253 (221-321)†  +46 (-4-97)†  .023
CG 164 (135-259) 143 (118-234) 152 (125-229) -9 (-21-2) .053
N = Newtons; ETG: Elastic tubing group; CTG: Conventional training group; CG: Control group*: different from baseline†  p < 0.05 compared to CG.