Table 2. Data quality table of included studies.
Item Indicator of quality Mean (SD)
12 Data analyses in accordance to treatment 2 0.29
2 Description of study design 1.91 0.49
1 Hypothesis 1.91 0.39
19 Description of main findings 1.91 0.51
15 Estimates of Variance 1.91 0.38
10 Description of trial components 1.86 0.48
3 Description of outcome measures 1.82 0.44
14 Description of methods for analysis 1.77 0.46
13 Reliable and valid measures 1.64 0.58
5 Recruitment selection 1.60 0.65
6 Description of sample characteristics 1.60 0.58
9 Randomisation of participants 1.39 0.59
8 Sample size 1.37 0.86
20 Conclusion 1.37 0.46
4 Timing between study components 1 0.91
18 Adjusting for follow up time 0.9 0.89
7 Adjusting for participants lost 0.67 0.75
11 Randomisation of participants 0.67 0.75
17 Randomisation concealed 0.29 0.70
16 Control over confounding variables 0.27 0.44