Table 2. Characteristics of included studies.
Author n Age Job status BLoP IG Control Condition IP Intervention dosage Type of exercise Intensity Follow-up (wk or mo) DoR AssT
Bretland and Thorsteinsson (2015) 52 36.6
Employed or studying 20 h/wk Low/ medium/ high BO: 34,5%/ 27,9%/ 37,6% Cardiovascular
Resistance exercise
No change to exercise pattern 4 Minimum: 3x30min/
Individual exercise (running, cycling, swimming) According to guidelines of the ACSM 2wk; 4wk 3 SEES; PSS; MBI
Heiden et al. (2007) 75 44.0
n.r. n.r. Cognitive behavioural programme; Physical activity programme Usual care provided by the Swedish social insurance system during the course of the study 10 2 sessions /week Warm water exercise and strength training /aerobics/swimming /walking n.r. 10wk; 6mo; 12 mo 11 SF-36; SMBQ; CRI; KSQ
Eskilsson et al. (2017) 89 41.8
employed SMBQ: IG 4,75; Control group 4,84 moderate-high BO Aerobic training,
Cognitive behavioural therapy, work training
Cognitive behavioural therapy, work training 12 3 sessions (40min)/ week Group indoor cycling 70-85%maxHR (220-age) - 23 SMBQ, HADS,
de Vries et al. (2017) 96 45.2
employed UBOS: IG 3,28; Control group 3,62 High level of work-related fatigue Aerobic training No interventions were associated 6 3 sessions (60min)/ week Running in group (2 sessions) and alone (1 session) Low intensity 6wk/12wk 11 UBOS, FAS, Need for recovery scale
Mealer et al. (2014) 27 n.r. Bachelor nursing degree MBI: IG & Control group: medium-high BO; Physical activity No interventions were associated 12 3 sessions/ week Aerobic exercise (treadmill, elliptical machine, stair climbing, stationary bicycle, rowing machine) n.r. 12wk n.r. CD-RISC; HADS; MBI
Stenlund et al. (2009b) 82 43.8
63%/ 11%/ 26% work with people/ things/ data SMBQ: Median: IG 5,8; Control group 5,8 moderate-high BO Mindfulness
Basic care at the Stress Clinic 12 2 sessions (60min)/ week Qigong n.r. 4wk/8wk/ 12wk 14 SMBQ; SCQ. Fatigue: CIS; HADS; SF-36; S-Pari
BLoP; Burnout level of the participants; IG = Intervention Groups; IP = Intervention period; DoR = Drop-out rate; AssT = Assessment tools; AVEM = Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebnismuster; CD-RISC = The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale; CIS = Checklist Individual Strength Questionnaire; CRI = Coping Resource Inventory; FAS = Fatigue; HADS = The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; KSQ = Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire; Need for recovery scale; MBI = Maslach Burnout Inventory; „n.r. „ = not reported; PSS = The Perceived Stress Scale; SCQ = The Self-Concept Questionnaire; SEES = The Subjective Exercise Experience Scale; SF-36 = Short Form 36 Item Health Survey; SMBQ = Shirom-Melamed Burnout Questionnaire; S-Pari = Perceived relaxation: Swedish Version of the Physical assessment scale; UBOS = The Utrecht Burnout Scale