Table 2. Impacts to the head greater than 10g in youth Australian Football players by impact location for resultant peak linear and rotational accelerations, head impact telemetry severity profile and risk weighted exposure combined (linear and rotational) probability for number of impacts recorded, impact duration and impact magnitude. Data are presented as mean (± standard deviation) and median [25th to 75th interquartile range].
Impact Location Impact to the head Peak Linear Acceleration
Peak Rotational Acceleration
Head Impact Telemetry
severity profile (HITSP)
Risk Weighted Exposure
combined probability (RWECP)
Impact Duration (ms)
N = (%) Mean ±SD Median [IQR] 95% Median [IQR] 95% Median [IQR] 95% Median [IQR] 95%
Total Front 112 (24.7) 11.0 ±7.5bcd 17.9 [13.6-25.9]cd 46.3 220,635 [141,624-360,729] 664,929 17.2 [13.6-23.3]c 48.7 .0003 [.0006-.0180]bc .82
Back 117 (25.8) 8.5 ±6.2ad 14.6 [11.4-24.9]cd 48.6 192,909 [77,229-313,877.7] 889,294 14.1 [11.4-22.2]c 46.5 .0014 [.0002-.0166]a .93
Side 201 (44.4) 10.2 ±8.4a 14.2 [11.6-22.6]abd 44.1 155,650 [86,557-242,642] 514,356 14.2 [12.3-20.1]ab 49.8 .0007 [.0002-.0038]a .31
Top 23 (5.1) 11.5±9.1ab 14.1 [13.1-19.1]abc 40.8 206,053 [122,017-315,648] 600,477 14.3 [13.3-19.7] 46.4 .0015 [.0005-.0112] .53
Injured Front 8 (30.8 11.1 ±9.7 15.3 [11.1-18.4 - 151,926 [131,924-201,292] - 14.5 [11.3-16.4] - .0006 [.0006-.0016] -
Back 6 (23.1) 4.8 ±3.1 12.4 [12.1-13.4] - 222,606 [211,341-272,682] - 12.6 [11.3-13.9] - .0019 [.0014-.0046] -
Side 10 (38.5) 10.3 ±5.3 15.4 [12.3-25.1] - 166,261 [82,552-346,628] - 13.8 [12.1-23.7] - .0009 [.0003-.0097] -
Top 2 (7.7) 9.0 ±5.7 15.0 [14.2-15.9] - 350,198 [278,125-422,270] - 17.5 [15.9-19.1] - .0565 [.0290-.0840] -
Non-Injured Front 104 (24.4) 11.0 ±7.3bcd 18.4 [13.7-26.9]bcd 45.9 226,846 [144,723-368,859] 669,186 17.5 [13.7-25.1]bc 49.8 .0032 [.0006-.0224]bc .83
Back 111 (26.0) 8.7 ±6.2ad 15.1 [11.3-26.0]acd 49.2 184,664 [76,152-328,884] 739,763 14.6 [11.4-22.3]ac 47.9 .0012 [.0002-.0168]a .92
Side 191 (44.7) 10.2 ±8.5ad 14.2 [11.6-22.1]adb 43.3 155,174 [87,496-242,132] 500,502 14.2 [12.3-20.0]ab 47.6 .0007 [.0002-.0037]ad .44
Top 21 (4.9) 11.7 ±9.4abc 14.1 [13.0-19.9]abc 41.5 201,171 [118,608-303,324] 621,762 14.3 [13.3-18.7] 47.9 .0014 [.0005-.0082]c .55
SD = Standard Deviation; ms = milliseconds; IQR = interquartile [25th-75th] percentile; 95th = 95th percentile; Significant difference (p < 0.05) than (a) = Front, (b) = Back; (c) = Side; (d) = Top