Table 2. Multiple linear regression analysis of bioelectrical, anthropometric and performance parameters before (PRE) and after the race (POST).
Dependent Variables Explanatory equations rm2 ANOVA SEE
Exact Adjusted F df1 df2 p
R/hPRE-POST (∆%) -28.40 - (1.14 · BMPRE-POST) + (0.021 · time)
+ (0.010 · TRIMP)
0.92 0.88 19.95 3 5 0.003 0.80
Z/hPRE-POST (∆%) -28.62 - (1.17 · BMPRE-POST) + (0.022 · time)
+ (0.010 · TRIMP)
0.93 0.88 29.42 3 5 0.003 0.79
Racing time (min) 660.3 + (24.4 · Z/hPRE-POST) 0.63 0.58 11.914 1 7 0.01 45.7
Fin (p ≤ 0.05), Fout (p ≥ 0.10). R, resistance; Z, impedance module; h, body height; BM, body mass; TRIMP, training impulse; time, racing time; rm2, multiple regression coefficient squared; SEE, standard error of estimation.