Table 2. Pre and post strength values and effect sizes for all training programs. Values are mean ± (SD).
ML BFR Control
Pre Post d Pre Post d Pre Post d
Isometric Torque (Nm) 203(64) 238(92) .44 273(58) 267(55) .11 227(53) 232(60) .09
LE 1-RM (kg) 88(32) 118(44)* .78 116(21) 131(24)* .67 124(30) 126(38) .07
Muscle Volume (cm3) 1690(464) 1785(528)* .19 1952(539) 2001(531)* .09 1945(384) 1945(389) .00
* indicates significant difference from Pre (p < 0.05). ML: moderate-load, BFR: blood flow restricted, d: Cohen’s d, LE 1-RM: leg extension one repetition maximum