Table 2. Description of the step-based variables used in the present study.
Name Description
Uncensored total steps Total number of steps recorded during a whole day
Censored total steps Total number of steps recorded during a whole day by censoring those steps taken below 500 counts/ min. These adjusted steps might be more comparable to consumer-wearable activity monitors output (see discussion section)
Uncensored steps/ min Uncensored total steps divided by the total number of minutes recorded during a whole day
Censored steps/ min Censored total steps divided by the total number of minutes recorded during a whole day
Minutes ≥ 40 steps/ min Total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal or over 40 steps/ min. Due to the variability outcomes in the previous laboratory-based studies establishing a cadence related to moderate PA among young people, step-per-minute rates from 40 to 140 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
Steps ≥ 40 steps/ min Total number of uncensored steps per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal or over 40 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 40 to 140 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
PC min ≥ 40 steps/ min Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal or over 40 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 40 to 140 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
PC steps ≥ 40 steps/ min Percentage of total number of uncensored steps per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal or over 40 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 40 to 140 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
Peak 1-min cadence Total number of uncensored steps accumulated during the highest single minute in a whole day
Peak 30-min cadence Average of the uncensored steps/ min accumulated during the highest, but not necessarily consecutive, 30 minutes of the whole day
Peak 60-min cadence Average of the uncensored steps/ min accumulated during the highest, but not necessarily consecutive, 60 minutes of the whole day
Minutes 0 steps/ min Total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal to 0 steps/ min
Minutes < 5 steps/ min Total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Due to the lack of previous laboratory-based studies establishing a cadence related to sedentary, step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
Steps < 5 steps/ min Total number of uncensored steps per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
PC minutes 0 steps/ min Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal to 0 steps/ min
PC minutes < 5 steps/ min Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
PC steps < 5 steps/ min Percentage of total number of uncensored steps per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
Minutes 0 steps/ min (bouts) Total number of minutes per day accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min within minutes with a cadence equal to 0 steps/ min
Minutes < 5 steps/ min (bouts) Total number of minutes per day accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
PC minutes 0 steps/ min (bouts) Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min within minutes with a cadence equal to 0 steps/ min
PC minutes < 5 steps/ min (bouts) Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated
Steps bottom 600 min Average of the uncensored steps accumulated during the lowest, but not necessarily consecutive, 600 minutes of the whole day. Rates from 60 to 600 increasing by 60 minutes were calculated
PC, Percentage.