Uncensored total steps |
Total number of steps recorded during a whole day |
Censored total steps |
Total number of steps recorded during a whole day by censoring those steps taken below 500 counts/ min. These adjusted steps might be more comparable to consumer-wearable activity monitors output (see discussion section) |
Uncensored steps/ min |
Uncensored total steps divided by the total number of minutes recorded during a whole day |
Censored steps/ min |
Censored total steps divided by the total number of minutes recorded during a whole day |
Minutes ≥ 40 steps/ min |
Total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal or over 40 steps/ min. Due to the variability outcomes in the previous laboratory-based studies establishing a cadence related to moderate PA among young people, step-per-minute rates from 40 to 140 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
Steps ≥ 40 steps/ min |
Total number of uncensored steps per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal or over 40 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 40 to 140 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
PC min ≥ 40 steps/ min |
Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal or over 40 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 40 to 140 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
PC steps ≥ 40 steps/ min |
Percentage of total number of uncensored steps per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal or over 40 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 40 to 140 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
Peak 1-min cadence |
Total number of uncensored steps accumulated during the highest single minute in a whole day |
Peak 30-min cadence |
Average of the uncensored steps/ min accumulated during the highest, but not necessarily consecutive, 30 minutes of the whole day |
Peak 60-min cadence |
Average of the uncensored steps/ min accumulated during the highest, but not necessarily consecutive, 60 minutes of the whole day |
Minutes 0 steps/ min |
Total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal to 0 steps/ min |
Minutes < 5 steps/ min |
Total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Due to the lack of previous laboratory-based studies establishing a cadence related to sedentary, step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
Steps < 5 steps/ min |
Total number of uncensored steps per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
PC minutes 0 steps/ min |
Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence equal to 0 steps/ min |
PC minutes < 5 steps/ min |
Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
PC steps < 5 steps/ min |
Percentage of total number of uncensored steps per day accumulated within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
Minutes 0 steps/ min (bouts) |
Total number of minutes per day accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min within minutes with a cadence equal to 0 steps/ min |
Minutes < 5 steps/ min (bouts) |
Total number of minutes per day accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
PC minutes 0 steps/ min (bouts) |
Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min within minutes with a cadence equal to 0 steps/ min |
PC minutes < 5 steps/ min (bouts) |
Percentage of total number of minutes per day accumulated in bouts of at least 10 min within minutes with a cadence below 5 steps/ min. Step-per-minute rates from 5 to 40 increasing by 5 steps were calculated |
Steps bottom 600 min |
Average of the uncensored steps accumulated during the lowest, but not necessarily consecutive, 600 minutes of the whole day. Rates from 60 to 600 increasing by 60 minutes were calculated |