Table 2. Descriptive statistics, reliability and usefulness parameters for the response time protocols in AG and NAG athletes.
Response time Protocols AG (n = 37) NAG (n = 10)
Mean ± SD CV% TE SWC0.2 SWC0.5 ICC Mean ± SD CV% TE SWC0.2 SWC0.5 ICC
SRT-1-L (ms) 279 ± 68 14.4 32.9 13.6 34 .87 294 ± 54 11.1 26.0 11.0 27.5 .83
SRT-1-L trial1 (ms) 299 ± 83 308 ± 77
SRT-1-L trial2 (ms) 267 ± 71 290 ± 45
SRT-1-L trial3 (ms) 273 ± 75 282 ± 61
SRT-1-R (ms) 287 ± 57 12.5 27.5 11.6 29 .85 310 ± 78 11.5 32.3 15.8 39.5 .90
SRT-1-R trial1 (ms) 304 ± 65 317 ± 75
SRT-1-R trial2 (ms) 281 ± 60 314 ± 99
SRT-1-R trial3 (ms) 275 ± 72 298 ± 81
SRT-2-L (ms) 474 ± 76 7.7 29.6 15.2 38 .91 476 ± 62 8.1 29.9 12.6 31.5 .90
SRT-2-L trial1 (ms) 490 ± 80 504 ± 64
SRT-2-L trial2 (ms) 470 ± 87 456 ± 57
SRT-2-L trial3 (ms) 463 ± 79 466 ± 80
SRT-2-R (ms) 453 ± 67 7.2 26.8 13.4 33.5 .90 484 ± 58 10.2 41.4 11.8 29.5 .70
SRT-2-R trial1 (s) 460 ± 73 481 ± 72
SRT-2-R trial2 (ms) 452 ± 69 500 ± 81
SRT-2-R trial3 (ms) 447 ± 77 469 ± 69
SRT-3-L (ms) 278 ± 104 12.2 24.4 21 52.5 .95 305 ± 37 15.4 41.8 7.4 18.5 .48
SRT-3-L trial1 (ms) 292 ± 111 345 ± 70
SRT-3-L trial2 (ms) 271 ± 111 273 ± 46
SRT-3-L trial3 (ms) 273 ± 105 296 ± 37
SRT-3-M (ms) 355 ± 82 8.9 27.6 16.6 41.5 .92 360 ± 64 9.9 41.8 7.4 18.5 .89
SRT-3-M trial1 (ms) 361 ± 84 388 ± 88
SRT-3-M trial2 (ms) 357 ± 97 358 ± 69
SRT-3-M trial3 (ms) 347 ± 84 334 ± 48
SRT-3-R (ms) 298 ± 99 9.8 25.6 19.8 49.5 .97 310 ± 64 19.1 54.4 13.0 32.5 .31
SRT-3-R trial1 (ms) 303 ± 101 324 ± 78
SRT-3-R trial2 (ms) 304 ± 112 306 ± 125
SRT-3-R trial3 (ms) 285 ± 93 299 ± 89
CRT-L (ms) 679 ± 79 8.1 39.1 15.8 39.5 .68 867 ± 75 9.6 63.1 15.0 37.5 .58
CRT-L trial1 (ms) 679 ± 126 926 ± 116
CRT-L trial2 (ms) 686 ± 86 829 ± 99
CRT-L trial3 (ms) 670 ± 85 846 ± 88
CRT-M (ms) 649 ± 112 8.2 37.2 22.6 56.5 .90 819 ± 83 6.7 38.7 16.8 42 .87
CRT-M trial1 (ms) 673 ± 123 868 ± 95
CRT-M trial2 (ms) 650 ± 128 797 ± 85
CRT-M trial3 (ms) 624 ± 119 789 ± 98
CRT-R (ms) 700 ± 79 5.7 32.5 15.8 39.5 .85 863 ± 101 9.4 65.6 20.4 51 .77
CRT-R trial1 (ms) 713 ± 102 901 ± 115
CRT-R trial2 (ms) 695 ± 84 868 ± 134
CRT-R trial3 (ms) 691 ± 79 818 ± 117
SRT = simple response time test; CRT = complex response time test; L = left side; R = right side; M = middle; ms = milliseconds; SD = standard deviation; CV%, coefficient of the variation; TE = typical error of the measurement; SWC0.2 = smallest worthwhile change (0.2 x SD);SWC0.5 = smallest worthwhile change (0.5 x SD); ICC = Intra-class correlation coefficient.