Table 2. Exercise instructions and target muscles
# Exercise Instructions Strength component & target muscles
a Counter movement jump Jump up from the squat position as explosively as possible.
CON: Do as many reps as possible.
WB-EMS: Make two jumps per current application
leg extensors
b Diagonal crunches Roll up the upper body and bring opposite elbow and knee together. Change sides after each repetition.
CON: Do as many repetitions as possible.
WB-EMS: Make two movements per current application
Strength endurance: abdominal muscles, hip flexors
c Kettle bell swing (12 kg kettle bell) Swing the kettle bell upwards with outstretched arms, knees go from flexion to extension.
CON: Do as many repetitions as you can.
WB-EMS: Make two swings per current application
Strength endurance,
leg extension, trunk extensors
d Crunches on gym ball CON: Make as many crunches as possible, unrolling the back as much as possible.
WB-EMS: Make two crunches per current application
Strength endurance: abdominal muscles
e Plank on gym ball CON+WB-EMS: Hold the position for 1 minute, keep the trunk as straight as possible, tighten shoulder, abdominal and buttock muscles, continue breathing normally. Strength endurance: abdominal muscles, buttocks, knee extensors
f Squat with kettle bell (24 kg) Keep the kettle bell stable in front of the chest
CON: Make as many squats as possible
WB-EMS: Make two squats per current application, keeping the kettle bell stable in front of the chest
Strength endurance:
leg extensors, trunk extensors
g Lunches with kettle bell (2x 12 kg kettle bell) Keep the trunk straight, change sides after each repetition.
CON: Make as many lunches as possible
WB-EMS: Make two lunches per current application
Strength endurance:
leg extensors, trunk extensors
h Coordination ladder lateral CON+WB-EMS: Run the coordination ladder laterally with triple steps as fast and as often as possible Strength endurance:
leg muscles, hip abductors
i Coordination ladder frontal CON+WB-EMS: Run the coordination ladder from front to back with triple steps as fast and as often as possible Strength endurance:
leg muscles
j Trunk extension with kettle bell (24 kg) Go from the bent position to a trunk extension as fast as possible. Keep the upper body stable.
CON: Repeat this as often as possible
WB-EMS: Make two trunk extensions per current application
Strength endurance, Power:
trunk extensors, knee extensors, buttocks
Letters (#) refer to figure 1. Only the main muscle groups are mentioned.