Table 2. Overview of the jump training program.
Week Exercise Sets Repetitions Total foot contacts
I Drop landingsa 2 10 74
Squat jumpb 3 6
Seated jumpb 4 6
Lateral landing from lateral jumpc 2 6
II Split landingsa 2 9 78
Seated jumpb 4 7
Countermovement jumpc 2 6
Jumping jacksc 2 10
III Single leg forward hop and sticka 3 8 81
Squat jumpb 3 8
Standing long jumpc 3 5
Pogo hoppingc 3 6
IV Jump with safe landing, single lega 3 6 79
Seated box jumpb 3 7
Countermovement box jumpc 4 5
Criss cross jumpsc 2 10
V Drop landings, single lega 2 6 84
Single leg vertical jumpb 2 7
Countermovement jumpc 4 7
Balet dancer jumpsc 3 10
VI Single leg forward hop and sticka 2 5 90
Squat jumpb 2 5
180 s jumpc 3 10
Scissors jumpsc 4 10
VII Jump with safe landing, single lega 2 6 88
Seated box jumpb 2 6
Countermovement jumpc 3 8
Pogo hoppingc 4 10
VIII Drop landings, single lega 2 6 94
Box squat jumpb 2 6
Countermovement box jumpc 3 8
Balet dancer jumpsc 4 12
a: eccentric exercise, characterized by a muscle action in which the muscle is generating active tension while being lengthened by external forceb: concentric exercise, characterized by a muscle action in which the muscle is generating active tension while shorteningc: plyometric exercise, characterized by a rapid transition between the initial lengthening of the muscle (i.e., eccentric action) and its subsequent shortening (i.e., concentric action).