Table 2. Changes of POMS scores in CON and YOG trials. Data indicated mean [±SD] values.
pre post 60min 120min pre post 60min 120min
Tension-Anxiety 36.8 [6.2] 35.0 [3.5] 35.9 [5.0] 34.4 [3.0] 39.9 [7.2] 35.4 [4.6] ** 34.9 [4.2] ** 35.1 [4.1] **
Depression 41.3 [1.6] 41.5 [2.8] 41.5 [2.4] 42.0 [2.9] 44.8 [4.9] 43.3 [5.9] 42.6 [5.2] 42.0 [4.2] *
Anger-Hostility 38.1[2.6] 37.6 [1.3] 37.6 [1.3] 37.6 [1.3] 40.5 [4.2] 38.7 [3.5] 38.4 [3.5] 37.8 [2.5] *
Vigor 37.7 [13.4] 37.9 [10.7] 37.7 [11.2] 37.3 10.2] 42.1 [12.1] 44.3 [8.9] † †  42.2 [10.7] 38.7 [11.7]
Fatigue 39.7 [5.5] 38.4 [3.8] 39.1 [5.5] 39.0 [4.4] 41.5 [6.2] 43.5 [6.4] †  42.3 [6.6] 40.9 [5.9]
Confusion 46.9 [5.2] 45.6 [4.0] 44.8 [6.0] 44.1 [2.9] 47.6 [7.1] 45.4 [4.1] 45.3 [3.6] 45.4 [4.6]
Total Mood Disturbance 4.6 [10.3] 2.6 [6.9] 3.1 [8.8] 2.6 [6.7] 7.3 [7.8] 3.5 [8.1] * 3.2 [6.3] * 3.7 [6.1] *
* p < 0.05,** p < 0.01 vs pre in the YOGA trial.†  p < 0.05,† †  p < 0.01 vs CONTROL trial.