Table 2. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and 95% Confidence Interval (IC) of the variables.
Variables ICC (2.2) 95% IC
Inter malleolar distance (cm) 0.981 0.968 – 0.989
Nordic_ break-point angle (degree) 0.959 0.931 – 0.976
Distance lunge with weapon (cm) 0.788 0.662 – 0.871
Distance lunge without weapon (cm) 0.792 0.668 – 0.873
Distance advance-advance lunge with weapon (cm) 0.948 0.912 – 0.970
Distance advance-advance lunge without weapon (cm) 0.939 0.898 – 0.964
Time lunge without weapon (s) 0.845 0.748 – 0.907
Time advance-advance lunge with weapon (s) 0.893 0.824 – 0.936
Time advance-advance lunge without weapon (s) 0.860 0.771 – 0.916
Squat height (cm) 0.763 0.576 – 0.871
Countermovement jump height (cm) 0.816 0.675 – 0.899
7 repeated hopping contact time (s) 0.908 0.831 – 0.950
7 repeated hopping_height (cm) 0.803 0.654 – 0.892