Table 2. Categorization of participants into symmetrical or asymmetrical according to the threshold at 10% of asymmetry index.
Above 10
% (n)
10% (n)
10% (%)
Below 10%
χ2 p-value
SJLat [cm] 4 49 7.5 92.5 39.2 0.000
TJFor [cm] 3 50 5.7 94.3 42.7 0.000
SJFor [cm] 2 51 3.8 96.2 46.3 0.000
CoD180 [s] 0 53 0.0 100.0 / /
CoD90 [s] 0 53 0.0 100.0 / /
Maximal knee torque [Nm/kg] 27 27 50.0 50.0 1.0 1.000
RTD50 [%MVC/s] 41 13 75.9 24.1 14.5 0.000
RTD100 [%MVC/s] 37 17 68.5 31.5 7.4 0.006
CMJH [m] 20 33 37.7 62.3 3.6 0.057
CMJP [W/kg] 11 43 20.4 79.6 19.0 0.000
CMJF [N/kg] 2 51 3.8 96.2 46.3 0.000
RTD-SFk 22 31 41.5 58.5 1.9 0.174
SJLat – single leg lateral jump for distance, TJFor – single leg triple jump for distance, SJFor – single-leg forward jump for distance; CoD – change-of-direction; MVC – maximal voluntary contrition; RTD – rate of torque development; CMJ – counter-movement jump; RTD-SF – rate of torque development scaling factor.