Table 2. Definition of KPIs calculated based on positional tracking and references linking them to success in soccer (references list up to the four most recent articles).
KPI Definition References
Possession Value
The expected outcome (likelihood to score a goal) at every moment in a possession based on positional tracking data. (Fernández et al., 2019)
Space Control Control of space between an attacker and defender is estimated using Voronoi-diagrams (Voronoi diagram is a partitioning of a plane into regions based on distance to points in a specific subset of the plane) based on the player’s position on the pitch. (Fujimura and Sugihara, 2005), (Memmert et al., 2017), (Rein and Memmert, 2016a), (Rein et al., 2017)
Pass Evaluation
Packing (Measures the number of opponents a pass outplays based on the longitudinal coordinates) between the time of the pass and reception. For defenders, it only includes last 6 players on the field plus the goalkeeper based on the longitudinal coordinates or how many players are overplayed in terms of distance between the ball and the center of the opponent’s goal. (Memmert et al., 2017), (Rein et al., 2017), (Goes et al., 2019), (Steiner et al., 2019)
D-Def (measures the disturbance a pass causes on the defense) (Goes et al., 2018),(Kempe and Goes, 2019)
I-Mov (the movement of all opposing players in response to a pass) (Goes et al., 2018),(Kempe and Goes, 2019)
Pass Completion Percentage: The percentage of completed passes versus incomplete passes (Redwood-Brown, 2008), (McHale and Relton, 2018)
Pass Risk/Reward: i) Risk – the likelihood of executing a pass in each situation, and ii) reward – the likelihood of a pass creating a chance (Power et al., 2017), (McHale and Relton, 2018)