Table 2. Between-group differences in the brain activations during the image-viewing task in the contrast green nature versus urban areas.
Brain region x, y, z t CS Direction
Premotor Cortex* R 18-4 60 5.41 679 OG>IG
Pre-SMA* L -10 8 58 5.15 679 OG>IG
SMA* L -10 6 64 4.98 679 OG>IG
Middle Occipital Cortex L -24-92-28 4.65 130 OG>IG
Coordinates (x, y, z) are given in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) Atlas space. Abbreviations: CS, cluster size; SMA, supplementary motor area; OG, outdoor group; IG, indoor group.* indicates part of the large cluster. All results herein surpassed a height threshold of P < 0.001 and a cluster of 109 voxels.