Table 2. Coefficient of variation (CV%) for the pre-contact, contact, post contact and tackle completion phases of the tackle by shoulder dominance and for each technical scoring category.
Pre-contact phase (%) Contact (%) Post contact phase (%) Tackle completion (%) Total (%)
Low scoring tackles 33.3 69.6 22.1 27.1 130.8
Medium scoring tackles 22.7 69.2 14.7 38.6 117.1
High scoring tackles 14.2 66.6 23.2 38.1 107.7
Dominant and non-dominant shoulder tackles
Dominant shoulder tackles 15.3 69.7 22.6 34.3 116.7
Non-dominant shoulder tackles 21.4 66.2 16.5 32.2 108.5
Dominant and non-dominant shoulder tackles for each category Low scoring tackles
Dominant shoulder tackles 43.8 81.4 28.4 48.00 163.1
Non-dominant shoulder tackles 31.1 66.3 24.4 30.1 117.8
Medium scoring tackles
Dominant shoulder tackles 21.7 72.6 21.1 52.2 126.8
Non-dominant shoulder tackles 25.5 67.6 15.4 34.2 112.1
High scoring tackles
Dominant shoulder tackles 13.6 67.8 25.9 40.9 110.8
Non-dominant shoulder tackles 20.2 66.1 22.4 38.0 104.7