Table 2. Maturity indicators and calculation procedures.
Indicator Calculation procedure Reference
Mirwald Maturity offset = –9.236 + (0.0002708 · leg length and sitting height interaction) + (–0.001663 · age and leg length interaction) + (0.007216 · age and sitting height interaction) + (0.02292 · weight by height ratio) Mirwald et al. (2002)
Moore-1 Maturity offset = –8.125741 + (0.0070346 · age · sitting height) Moore et al. (2015)
Moore-2 Maturity offset = –7.999994 + (0.0036124 · age · height) Moore et al. (2015)
Fransen-1 Maturity ratio = 6.986547255416 + (0.115802846632 · age) + (0.001450825199 · age2) + (0.004518400406 · weight) – (0.000034086447 · weight2) – (0.151951447289 · height) + (0.000932836659 · height2) – (0.000001656585 · height3) + (0.032198263733 · leg length) – (0.000269025264 · leg length2) – (0.000760897942 · height · age) Fransen et al. (2018b)
Fransen-2 Maturity ratio = 6.99 + (0.154 · age – 0.242) + (0.00452 · weight) – (0.0000341 · weight2) – (0.152 · height) + (0.000933 · height2) – (0.00000166 · height3) + (0.0322 · leg length) – (0.000269 · leg length2) – (0.000761 · height · age) Fransen et al. (2018a)
%PAH %PAH = (height at the age of 15 · 100) / predicted adult height according to the method of Sherar et al. (2005) Sherar et al. (2005)
%RAH %RAH = (height at the age of 15 · 100) / real adult height at the age of 21 Baxter-Jones et al. (2005)
%PAH = attained percentage of predicted adult height; %RAH = attained percentage of the real adult height. Measurement units: centimeters (leg length, sitting height, height), kilograms (weight), and years (age).