Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the main study variables.
Variable Between-person variability Within-person variability
ICC N M SD Range n mV SD Range
Affective Attitude [1-7] .76 40 5.26 1.03 2.50-6.92 117 3 0.44 0.00-1.28
Intrinsic Motivation [1-6] .76 40 3.96 0.97 1.67-5.67 117 3 0.42 0.19-1.50
Affective Valence [-5-+5] .50 40 1.95 1.47 -1.58-3.92 111 9 1.00 0.00-3.54
Exercise Enjoyment [0-100] .44 40 52.18 18.78 11.67-83.50 111 9 14.06 1.41-38.21
ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient, N = number of participants, n = number of data points (measured at baseline, follow-up I, and follow-up II), mV = missing values due to COVID-19 restrictions.