Table 2. Individual values of speed specific drag as calculated based on the different methods. Data are means (± SD).
Kp (kg·m-1) kaPL (kg.m-1) kaST (kg·m-1) kaST fit ((kg·m-1)
S1 23.1 (±3.6) 34.7 (±3.6) 42.9 (±9.6) 36.6 (±2.5)
S2 25.5 (±3.4) 38.2 (±3.4) 39.6 (±1.7) 40.1 (±1.0)
S3 25.0 (±3.3) 37.5 (±3.3) 38.8 (±5.9) 39.5 (±2.5)
S4 24.9 (±3.7) 37.3 (±3.7) 39.9 (±7.3) 38.0 (±3.6)
S5 26.9 (±4.0) 40.4 (±4.0) 38.1 (±8.2) 37.8 (±5.7)
S6 24.3 (±3.0) 36.5 (±3.0) 35.0 (±11.0) 43.4 (±4.0)
S7 22.1 (±4.1) 33.2 (±4.1) 32.5 (±5.2) 41.8 (±1.5)
S8 27.4 (±3.9) 41.1 (±3.9) 35.3 (±4.6) 42.7 (±1.4)
S9 21.0 (±3.9) 31.5 (±3.9) 28.6 (±7.2) 42.4 (±1.2)
S10 28.2 (±2.4) 42.3 (±2.4) 55.8 (±10.3) 37.1 (±1.7)
S11 24.1 (±4.1) 36.2 (±4.1) 33.7 (±8.6) 41.8 (±4.6)
S12 25.4 (±3.5) 38.0 (±3.5) 30.8 (±6.5) 38.9 (±2.5)
S13 19.6 (±9.7) 29.3 (±9.7) 27.5 (±10.8) 43.9 (±1.7)
S14 26.6 (±3.7) 39.9 (±3.7) 44.1 (±5.2) 40.4 (±3.7)
kp: passive drag coefficient; kaPL = active drag coefficient, as determined by means of the “planimetric method”; kaST = active drag coefficient, as determined by means of the “residual thrust method”; kaSTfit = active drag coefficient, as determined by means of the “residual thrust method” (model fitting).