Machine Learning Model |
Abbreviation | Reference | Reasoning |
K-Nearest-Neighbors regressor | KNeighbors | (Fix and Hodges, Jr, J. L., 1951) | K-nearest neighbor (KNN) models are particularly effective in regression tasks where local data patterns are crucial, as they base predictions on the proximity to neighboring data points. |
Ridge | Ridge | (Friedman
et al., |
Linear regression based models are beneficial in regression tasks, particularly when regularization is required to improve model generalization and mitigate overfitting. |
Lasso | Lasso | ||
Elastic-Net | ElasticNet | (Friedman
et al., |
Decision tree | DecisionTree | (Breiman,
Tree-based models are highly effective in regression tasks, especially in scenarios where complex, non-linear relationships or intricate interactions exist between the input features and the target variable. |
Extremely randomized trees | ExtraTree | (Geurts
et al., |
Random forest | RandomForest | (Breiman,
Gradient tree boosting | GradientBoosting | (Friedman,
Adaptive boosting | AdaBoost | (Freund and
Schapire, |