Table 3. Doppler echocardiography measurements. Data are means (±SD).
Basketball players
Soccer players
Peak E (m·s-1) .73 (.18) .85 (.13) .84 (.13)
Peak A (m·s-1) .41 (.08) *,† †  .52 (.11) .55 (.08)
E/A ratio 1.79 (.35) 1.71 (.27) 1.56 (.31)
DT (msec) 162 (26) 182 (52) 146 (33)
IVRT (msec) 90 (11) 95 (20) † †  78 (13)
EF (%) 59 (5) *** 75 (6) † † †  64 (6)
ICT (msec) 30 (8) 33 (15) 38 (9)
ET (msec) 298 (24) * 275 (19) 285 (32)
MPI .30 (.08) .36 (.09) .37 (.09)
* p < 0.05*** p < 0.001 compared with soccer players.† †  p < 0.01† † †  p < 0.001 compared with controls.E = early passive filling of left ventricle, A = late atrial contraction filling of left ventricle, DT = deceleration time, IVRT = isovolumetric relaxation time, EF = ejection fraction, ICT = isovolumetric contraction time, ET = ejection time and MPI = myocardial performance index.