Table 3. Frequencies of clinical eating disorders and restrictive- and binge-eating disordered eating patterns in men and women collegiate athletes.
(n = 97)
(n = 135)
n % n %
Eating Disorder Diagnostic Category a
  Non-eating-disordered, asymptomatic 74 76.3 110 81.4
  Non-eating-disordered, symptomatic 21 21.7 16 11.9
  Eating disordered, anorexia nervosa 0 0 0 0
  Eating disordered, bulimia nervosa 0 0 2 1.5
  Eating disordered, not otherwise specified 2 2.0 7 5.2
Disordered Eating Pattern b
  Non-eating-disordered, asymptomatic 74 76.3 110 81.4
  Restrictive eating 7 7.2 15 11.1
  Binge eating 16 16.5 10 7.4
Categories derived from the Q-EDD. Restrictive- and binge-eating categories include clinical and symptomatic athletes.