Table 3. Physiological and biomechanical variables recorded during the run sessions. Data presented as mean ( SD).
Parameters Isolated Run Run After Cycling
FVO2max (%) 80.0 (10.8) 78.3 (10.9)
HR (bpm) 167 (15) 162 (14)
RPE 14.2 (2.6) 14.9 (2.0) *
VE (l.min-1) 110.8 (17.3) 108.3 (17.5)
RER .92 (.05) .88 (.05) *
Stride length (m) 2.51 (.31) 2.32 (.31)
Stride frequency (Hz) 1.48 (.08) 1.46 (.08) *
Hip angle foot-strike (°) 160 (4) 159 (3)
Hip angle toe-off (°) 189 (4) 186 (4) **
Knee angle foot-strike (°) 165 (4) 163 (4)
Knee angle toe-off (°) 163 (4) 160 (6) **
Running velocity (km·hr-1) 13.43 (1.67) 12.23 (1.77) *
Significantly (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01) different from the isolated run session.