Table 3. Cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in serum of female athletes with menstrual disorders (MD), regular menstrual cycles (E), or hormonal contraceptive (HC) users. Data are means (± SD).
Hormone MD a
(n = 10)
E b
(n = 13)
HC c
(n = 16)
Desirable Range
TG (mmol·L-1) 1.06 (.36) 1.03 (.23) 1.28 (.43) <1.695
TC (mmol·L-1) 3.83 (.47) c 3.94 (.67) c 4.74 (.96) a,b <5.18
LDL-C (mmol·L-1) 2.02 (.72) c 2.02 (.60)c 2.61 (.76)a,b <2.59
HDL-C (mmol·L-1) 1.33 (.31) 1.45 (.33) 1.53 (.26) >1.036
Superscripts denote significantly (p < 0.05) differences between the groups.