Table 3. Results for step length and rate of the 60 m sprint test. Data are means (±SD)
SL 1 (m) SL 2 (m) SR 1 (Hz) SR 2 (Hz)
Pre 1.95 (.14) 1.97 (.14) 4.19 (.38) 4.14 (.30)
Post 2.06 (.14) 2.05 (.16)* 4.02 (.30)* 4.02 (.31) *
%diff -5.6 -4.5 -3.9 -2.8
Pre 1.99 (.20) 1.96 (.19) 4.14 (.26) 4.19 (.29)
Post 2.00 (.18) 2.00 (.21) 4.12 (.26) 4.11 (.29)
%diff .6 2.3 -.3 -1.9
Abbreviations: WBV = whole body vibration training group, C = control group, SL 1 = stride length of the first stride, SL 2 = stride length of the second stride, SR 1 = stride rate of the first stride, SR 2 = stride rate of the second stride Significantly different from Pre test (p < 0.05) as determined by repeated measures analysis of variance and Tukey tests.