Table 3. Test-retest study: Intra class correlation coefficients between two estimations of total energy expenditure measured at two different times, 6 weeks apart, over one year period in the random sample of 121 young students from Bogotá, 2001-2002.
Categories N Intra-class correlation coefficient [95% CI]
All 121 .96 [.95 ; .97]
Age (years)
8-10 41 .94 [.89 ; .97]
11-13 40 .98 [.96 ; .99]
14-16 40 .95 [.91 ; .98]
Male 56 .98 [.96 ; .99]
Female 65 .95 [.91 ; .97]
School grade
Elementary School 41 .98 [.97 ; .99]
Secondary School 80 .94 [.91 ; .96]
Period activities
Vacation period 121 .97 [.96 ; .98]
School period 121 .96 [.94 ; .97]
Socio-economic strata (see map)
1-2 46 .94 [.90 ; .97]
3-4 40 .98 [.96 ; .99]
5-6 35 .99[.97 ; .99]
1- Sleeping 121 .93[.91 ; .95]
2- Toilet 121 .90[.87 ; .93]
3- Meals 121 .97[.96 ; .98]
4- Transportation 121 .84[.78 ; .89]
5- Classroom 121 .97[.96 ; .98]
6- Mandatory physical education 121 .95[.93 ; .97]
7- Other activities in school 121 .94[.92 ; .96]
8- Out school activities 121 .96[.94 ; 97]
9- Religious activities 121 .93[.90 ; .95]
10- Vacations 121 .97[.96 ; .98]
11- Personal artistic activities 121 .98[.97 ; .99]
12- Sport competition 121 .98[.97 ; .99]
13- Home activities 121 .89[.85 ; .92]