Table 3. Summary of the model, included in the forward step-by-step regression equation, for predictors of dV, at slow velocity, high velocity and for overall velocity.
Variable r2 r2 adjusted T p Beta F p
High velocity Vy-1dwn .67 .64 5.08 <.01 .522
Vx-ins .88 .86 5.42 <.01 .470
Vy-ins .93 .91 -2.70 .02 -.269 (3 ;9) = 45.91 <.01
Slow velocity Vx-ups .35 .29 3.91 <.01 1.745
Vy-ins .54 .45 2.84 .02 .726
Vx-ins .69 .59 -2.07 <.01 -.785 (3;13) = 6.68 .01
Overall velocity Vx-ups .89 .79 3.11 <.01 .62
Vy-2dwn .92 .84 2.94 .01 .29
Vz-ent .93 .85 1.62 .04 .13
Sw-vel .94 .86 -0.09 .92 -.01 (4;29) = 43.31 <.01